On The Water With BVFF
The Outings' committee has planned an outing for most of the months of 2025 and invites BVFF members and their guests to join us On The Water With BVFF. Please take a look at what is planned and mark your calendar for the one(s) that interest you.
BVFF members will receive an email invitation to each outing as it is posted. You along with your guest may register online to attend one or all of the outings.
Outings are a wonderful way to meet other BVFF members and fly fishing friends in a fun and relaxed setting. For 2025, we head back to Silver Creek and the Wood River area. We also have added outings to the Copper Basin/Big Lost River and Island Park/Henry's Lake.
Thank you to all of our volunteer Outing coordinators! Your pre-outing planning and efforts to gather information about the outing fishery are greatly appreciated.
Several outings still need someone to volunteer as the coordinator. You will see these as "Open". Please consider stepping into that role and know that there isn't a significant amount of work to coordinate and pre-plan an outing. The key to success is to provide clear and timely communication with those who register to attend.
We'd also like to have an assistant coordinator for each event to help the coordinator with planning and on-site needs for each outing. Please consider assisting with an outing that shows only a coordinator and send your interest to Outings@BVFF.com. Thank you!
Outings are shown in this format:
Stanley Area/Above Alturas Lake